For books by and about Liane Collot d' Herbois at the best price, please contact the US distributor:
Colour by Liane Collot d' Herbois, $55 + s&h
Light, Darkness and Colour in Painting Therapy, $55 + s&h
Liane Collot d' Herbois - Work and Life
published by Raffael-Verlag
with biography by Selg and
over 200 of her paintings, $90 + s&h
Color and the Human Being
by Chantal Bernard & Janny Mager
Inspired by Goethe, R. Steiner and
L. Collot d' Herbois, (inquire price)
Its Relationship to Soul and Spirit
Here is one of the best introductions for painters and anyone interested in a deeper understanding of the nature of color. The book highlights the amazing depth of knowing that lies behind the beautiful paintings of watercolorist Liane Collot d'Herbois, whose application of the color theories of Rudolf Steiner and Goethe, together with her overall understanding of anthroposophical principles, are very much in evidence in her paintings.
Light, Darkness and Colours, is a documentary film that “uses Goethe’s colour theory as a springboard through which the film takes us on a journey through the universe of colours. We see how colours arise and ‘behave’, and how we perceive them and are influenced by them. Individual phenomena are explained in laboratory demonstrations, then shown in nature, in landscapes, changing seasons, fields of flowers, skies and bird’s feathers.”
Light Color and Darkness in North America (USA)
Courses are taught in English.
Contact Pamela Whitman, E-mail:
The Healing Power of Art &
Healing Through Art Programs
Emerald Foundation (The Netherlands)
Trainings are no longer offered; however, other information is available at the website.
Lumiere, Tenebres, Couleur (France)
4- Year Certified Training in Collot d'Herbois Painting Therapy
Courses are taught in French.
Chantal Bernard et Janny Mager
Les Ateliers du Présent 17bis
avenue d’Aligre F78400 Chatou
00 33 (0) 1 39 52 89 78 or
Associazione Il Ramo In Firoe (Italy)
4- Year Training in Collot d'Herbois Painting Therapy
Courses are taught in Italian.
Christina Bimbi
Via Nardo di Cione, 9
Phone: (39) 055 8547980
Phone: (39) 333 6461387
The Sienna Academy (Australia)
4- Year Training in Collot d'Herbois Painting Therapy
Courses are taught in English.
Sally Martin
27 Deodar Court,
Mapleton, QLD 4560
Phone: (07) 5478 6260
Phone: + 61 (0) 7 5478 6260
California, Grass Valley:
Pamela Whitman -
Mexico, San Antonio Tlayacapan:
Lois Schroff -
Montana, Lewistown:
Sarah Parsons -, 406-480-3730
Sarah Parsons, B.F.A. (RISD in 1984), completed the fourth international training of Light, Color and Darkness in Painting Therapy based on the work of Liane Collot d'Herbois at the Emerald Foundation in The Hague, Holland, and received her diploma in 2015 from the Medical Section of the Goetheanum in Switzerland.
East Coast - Vermont to Florida; Mid-west - Chicago to Austin, Texas; West Coast - Seattle, WA to California:
Martha Loving Orgain, MFA - Artist, Educator and Astrologer -
Mobile Studio - 434.865.5330
Martha trained as a Waldorf Teacher and did her training in Painting Therapy in The Netherlands at the Emerald Foundation. She received her diploma from the Medical Section, Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland in 2003. She teaches workshops, offers therapeutic work, works with Emergency Pedagogy Without Borders and Biography and Social Arts. As an Artist, Martha creates veil paintings and Star Chart Talismans™️ - one-of-a-kind works of art by commission, using painting, drawing, weaving, photography and star charts.
Pamela Whitman received her B.S. from MIT, where she studied both science and humanities. She has always sought ways to integrate these perspectives, and her work has spanned both fields, including helping to found a Waldorf School. Through Waldorf education she discovered Anthroposophy, which eventually led her to her true vocation: pioneering the artistic and therapeutic work of Liane Collot d’Herbois. She participated in the second international training in Light, Color and Darkness Painting Therapy at the Emerald Foundation in The Hague, Holland, and completed her requirements as a Painting Therapist as part of her Masters degree program in Human Development. She received her certification in Painting Therapy from the Section for Anthroposophic Medicine at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. Her career and interests span the fields of science, art, spirituality, consciousness, psychology, healing and education, all of which she incorporates as a therapist, international adult educator, mentor and painter.
Feel free to contact Pamela with any questions:
Pamela Whitman