Recorded in October 2021, this talk provides an introduction to the basics of veil painting in the method of Liane Collot d’Herbois. This technique involves building up successive layers of transparent watercolor, with each layer drying before the next is applied. This is a rare opportunity to view paintings from a variety of artists who have used this technique to achieve their own vision and style.
Although it can stand on its own, the talk was originally given as a foundation for a Zoom workshop in learning the essential aspects of veil painting. This intensive workshop is now available by recording.
Topics covered:
Special Offer - $75
Free Zoom talk from July 24, 2020, Front Range Anthroposophical Café
(My first Zoom presentation—a learning experience.)
1 hr 7 min - Talk is about 30 minutes, followed by discussion.
See for a wide range of free talks. You can also offer a donation for this educational and culturally enriching service for our time.
Pamela Whitman received her B.S. from MIT, where she studied both science and humanities. She has always sought ways to integrate these perspectives, and her work has spanned both fields, including helping to found a Waldorf School. Through Waldorf education she discovered Anthroposophy, which eventually led her to her true vocation: pioneering the artistic and therapeutic work of Liane Collot d’Herbois. She participated in the second international training in Light, Color and Darkness Painting Therapy at the Emerald Foundation in The Hague, Holland, and completed her requirements as a Painting Therapist as part of her Masters degree program in Human Development. She received her certification in Painting Therapy from the Section for Anthroposophic Medicine at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. Her career and interests span the fields of science, art, spirituality, consciousness, psychology, healing and education, all of which she incorporates as a therapist, international adult educator, mentor and painter.
Feel free to contact Pamela with any questions:
Pamela Whitman